
Nicholas Smith

Creator of SMITHWORKS.CO @smithworks.co @nic.smith_

I’m a Sydney event photographer and content designer shooting for corporates, councils and non-profits and designing for for startups and small businesses.

Hailing from the country town of Tamworth NSW, home is now in Sydney. By day I work as an in-house corporate graphic designer and photographer. Outside office life I play football, run, lift weights, enjoy live music, cafe-hopping, hiking and travelling, usually with my camera in tow.

Vegan for over 9 years – I love to nerd out on nutrition, I’m passionate about animal welfare, the environment and sustainability. Macadamia nut butter with medjool dates is my weakness (will work for macadamias).

I’m available for freelance design projects and event photography work – feel free to get in touch if you’d like to work with me or if you’d like a quote.